
Live Coding Session

Research Articles

Relaychain Hybrid Consensus

Learning about hybrid consensus in Relaychain and why it is important to the Polkadot protocol?

Breakdown the sharded network design of Polkadot

Discover deeper into how Polkadot is designed to be a fragmented network, or we can say a multi-chain, multi-sharded network as well.

Breakdown the Tanssi network architecture

Discover deeper into how Tanssi network powers AppChain deployment with their infrastructure.

Technical Activities

OpenHack Workshop - Rust Starter

Repositoriy is made by the OpenGuild Labs to introduce OpenHack workshop participants about Rust programming language and help the participants to get familiar with the language.

OpenHack Workshop - Substrate Starter

Repositoriy is made by the OpenGuild Labs to introduce OpenHack workshop participants about Polkadot SDK - Substrate and help the participants to get familiar with the blockchain builder tool.

OpenHack Workshop - Dedot

Made by the collaboration between OpenGuild Labs and Dedot to introduce participants about building decentralized application on Polkadot.

OpenHack Workshop - ink! Starter

Getting started with ink! smart contract development.

OpenHack Workshop - ink! Advanced

Learning more advanced concepts in ink! related to token standards and more.

Rust and Polkadot Courses

Substrate Course: NFT Blockchain

Substrate is the primary blockchain SDK used by developers to create the parachains that make up the Polkadot network.

Substrate Course: Nominated Proof of Stake Blockchain

Learn how to configure the nominated proof of stake mechanism to your Substrate-based blockchain

Substrate Course: Delegated Proof of Stake Blockchain

Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is a blockchain consensus mechanism where network users vote and elect delegates to validate the next block.

Substrate Course: Tanssi Moonbeam Architecture

Moonbeam is a full Ethereum-like environment and works with industry-standard Ethereum tools, DApps, and protocols. The participant needs to break down the runtime architecture of Moonbeam and detailed explanation on how Moonbeam integrates and implements its pallets.

Rust Programming Course: OpenRust

Substrate is the primary blockchain SDK used by developers to create the parachains that make up the Polkadot network.

Substrate Course: EVM-compatible blockchain
Coming Soon

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a virtual computer with the components that enable Ethereum network participants to store data and agree on the state of the data. For a Substrate-based blockchain, the core responsibilities of the EVM are implemented in the EVM pallet.